Family roll calls |
This section includes people with the Howcutt or Howcott surname living in England, Wales and Scotland in the years shown. Comprehensive registration of births, marriages and deaths in England and Wales started on 1 July 1837. Full records of these events do not exist before that date, so the lists of Howcutts for before then are probably not all complete or entirely accurate. For instance, they may include people who had already died or changed their name on marriage and may leave out some brides who had already acquired the Howcutt surname. The lists for the 1841 to 1911 census returns have been taken from scanned images of the enumerator's returns. The individuals who appeared (or who seem to be missing from the census) have been identified by analysing all Howcutt births, marriages and deaths registered since 1837, along with records of christenings, marriages and burials for earlier years. Online census indexes have revealed the location of the vast majority of Howcutts who should appear in those censuses. Female Howcutts who changed their surname on marriage before 1911 have also been sought in the census records under their new surnames. It has been more difficult to locate these individuals, as the new surnames are often relatively common and it is not always known when they died. First christian names are shown in their usual modern form so abbreviations used in census returns and other original sources are spelled out in full. Second christian names are only shown if they appear in the relevant census and are left as initials if that is how they were written there. Nicknames used in the relevant record are shown enclosed by inverted commas. The ages shown in the census years are as they appear in the original record and so not always accurate. This is particularly true of ages recorded in 1841 as the official instructions for that year expected those of people aged more than 15 to be shown as the last completed multiple of 5 years (e.g. “45” for someone who was actually 49). The letter "m" after an age means "months".
Number of Howcutts 1601-2001